Thursday, June 29, 2006

Looks like the same sort of propaganda that was used on Iraq, the Serbs, ... to convince the US populace of the inhumanity of the enemy is now being applied to Iran.
Those of us with memories that extend further than last week may remember, in preparation for the first Gulf War, the false reports of how Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait threw babies out of incubators.

In preparation for a potential attack on Iran, the new, completely false, allegation is that Iran has passed laws to force non Muslims to wear colored badges, similar to those forced on Jews, homosexuals and others by Nazis. It was later retracted, but not before it had spread round the world reinforcing the required message Iran=Nazi Germany.

What makes the propaganda almost comical is the retraction published by the paper which carried the original story. It went like this:
Experts say report of badges for Jews in Iran is untrue

and was accompanied by a photo of a "A yellow badge worn by Jews in Nazi Germany during the 1940s".
So, imagine this report:
Experts say that George W. Bush is not a child molester

accompanied by a picture of "A 12 year old child molested by a German SS soldier."

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Today we hear of a triple suicide in Guantanamo. Prisoners there are held without charge or trial, in a prison set up intentionally outside the jurisdiction of US, or any other, law. What do the purveyors of democracy have to say?

Colleen Graffy, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy:
good PR move to draw attention

Rear Admiral Harris, comander of Guantanamo prison camp:
They have no regard for life, either ours or their own. I believe this was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us.

From the BBC