Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Today I read that the US, in it's continuing effort to advance human rights, come up with a blacklist of countries that have failed to stop trafficking people. Can you guess the 2 countries in the Americas which are in that list?

Let's see. It can't be Columbia can it? No much too civilized. Maybe Haiti? No not likely. How about Panama. Not a chance. Ah yes, of course, what a surprise. Cuba and Venezuela.

And then they wonder why people apply a hint of salt to the US's good intentions...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

When is a wall not a wall?

In the New Yorker we get the following paragraph:
In 2005, Banksy travelled to the West Bank, where he painted the security fence at Bethlehem with a trompe-l’oeil scene of a hole in the concrete barrier, revealing a glittering beach on the other side; it looked as if someone had dug through to paradise.

The article contains a photo and caption as well.
A Banksy trompe-l’oeil painting on a security fence in the West Bank.

Strange that the painting in the photo seems to be on a big motherfucking wall, while the fence in front of it is paint free. I wonder if they got the wrong painting.