Tuesday, December 16, 2003

A media victory: "Saddam, to use the language of the American media, is the 'Bad Guy.' America, according to that same lexicon is a nation of Good Guys. The good won. That's all that matters. Nothing else is important. Americans should hate Saddam Hussein even though no weapons of mass destruction were found. The pictures emanating from the screens are accompanied by implied imperative from commentators: hate, hate, hate."

The Geneva convention says something like:
"Article 13 ... Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity."

A detail here is that it is not clear what people like Sadam, Aziz, ... are. These are civilians and normally prisoners of war are soldiers. They are probably "enemy non-combatants"

Of course Bush, "I'd better see my lawyer. Smirk", don't care about no stinking Geneva convention.

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