Sunday, May 09, 2004

Amnesty International: "Shortly after the transfers of prisoners to Guantanamo Bay had begun, Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld was asked whether ''hooding.., shaving, chaining, perhaps even tranquillizing some of these people is violating their civil rights''. He replied: ''It simply isn't.... all one has to do is look at television any day of the week, and you can see that when prisoners are being moved between locations, they're frequently restrained in some way with handcuffs or some sort of restraints''.(117) On 15 January 2002, reacting to criticisms of the treatment of the detainees, he said: ''They are being treated vastly better than they treated anybody else over the last several years... It's not going to be a country club, but it will be humane''.(118) On 8 February 2002, he said: ''Notwithstanding the isolated pockets of international hyperventilation, we do not treat detainees in any manner other than a manner that is humane.''(119) A few days later, President Bush said that the Guantanamo detainees were being treated ''incredibly humanely''. The President added that the USA ''is mindful of the need to respect people's rights.''(120)"

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